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Simple Cyber, LLC

Organizations in Northwest Ohio that have struggled to secure their technology assets now have an innovative option to do just that. Simple Cyber LLC, located in Tiffin, recently began offering cyber security products and services to organizations in the area. 

Simple Cyber LLC helps organizations make cyber security simple by taking a holistic organizational approach. Whether it is bolstering an existing cyber security program or building one from scratch, Simple Cyber LLC’s individualized approach ensures that clients get what they need when they need it. Service examples include security awareness training, threat detection and mitigation, cloud migration, Virtual Chief cyber Security Officer services, customized educational programs, as well as implementing or auditing controls for compliance with the Ohio Data Protection Act; as well as preparation for audits such as SOC, PCI, HIPAA, and CJIS.

Founded by Scott Blough, who is the CISO & Executive Director of the Center for Cyber Defense & Forensics at Tiffin University and works with DHS and NATO on cyber security issues, and Nick Consolo, an experienced security and system engineer now serving as a director; Simple Cyber LLC understands operating within budgetary constraints and the need to educate users to prevent social engineering and cyber extortion threats.  As audits and vendor questionnaires continue to ask businesses how they are protecting themselves and ransomware becomes more sophisticated, Simple Cyber LLC was started to help simplify the process of developing an effective cyber security program for your organization.

Whether you want help building out your program or defenses, or want to test what protections you have already built out, interested parties can contact Simple Cyber LLC at, via email at or via phone at 855-394-2279.