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Women’s Leadership Series Returns for Year Three

The Chamber is excited to announce the return of the AHOP Women’s Leadership Series for a third year. The series had sold out the last two years.

AHOP Women’s Leadership Series provides empowering opportunities for women to grow in their leadership roles within their organizations. Discussion is focused on the book How Women Rise: Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back from Your Next Raise, Promotion, Or Job. The program will take place on the third Tuesday of the month from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm from January 17 through May 16 at the Seneca Regional Chamber of Commerce’s conference room. 

This series reviews these habits, helping women recognize the career limiting habits that prevent them from achieving their organizational and career goals. Participants benefit from a discussion-based group format, led by business leader and consultant Kim Radison. Participants are also challenged to create new goals and habits that will move them forward in your organization through one-on-one coaching sessions with Kim.

Series Includes:

  • Five, two-hour workshop sessions (see session topics listed below) Attended by all participants to create a strong network of women leaders
  • Two, 50 minute supplemental monthly coaching sessions led by Kim Radison. Participants focus on specific areas of growth identified through the workshops
    Workshop Content

Session 1 (January 17): Take Credit for What You Achieve; Share Your Accomplishments

Session 2 (February 21): You Don’t Have to be an Expert to Succeed; Focus on Your Career

Session 3 (March 21):  Learn to Leverage Relationships; Fight the Disease to Please

Session 4 (April 18): Escape The Perfection Trap; Stop Overthinking

Session 5 (May 16): Moving Forward- Implementing New Habits

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