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Transformation Life Center October Update

As of early September, the Transformation Life Center is welcoming residents into the renovated facility. This is just the beginning for these folks (and others who will be coming) toward a positive journey, from dependency to self-sufficiency. We are grateful that they have decided to join our “community,” and we look forward to building strong, positive relationships going forward.

Growing our Resources – Exciting News about Funding Thanks to so many generous people in our community, the TLC is now actually up and running and providing the services that we have been focused on. To continue to provide these services, however, revenue growth on an ongoing basis is necessary. To that end, we are excited, and very grateful to the First Presbyterian Church of Tiffin for putting forth a funding challenge for the TLC. Put simply, First Presbyterian will match any contributions that are made to the TLC, up to a maximum of $50,000, and that challenge will extend through the end of this year.

Read the newsletter to get more details, hear from volunteers and learn about upcoming events.

TLC October newsletter