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Ohio’s Common Sense Initiative

Are there rules or regulations that are hindering you from growing your business? Do you want to change Ohio’s regulatory framework to help spur innovation and job creation? The Ohio Common Sense Initiative (CSI) needs your help.

CSI’s mission is to look at state regulations from the perspective of job creators in order to make Ohio a better place to do business. CSI is tasked with reviewing Ohio’s regulatory system to eliminate excessive and duplicative regulations that hinder job creation.

While regulations play an important role in ensuring fair competition and protecting public health and safety, regulations also should facilitate economic growth. Ohio’s regulatory process should be built on transparency, accountability, and performance, and should hold state agencies accountable to those foundations as they develop and renew regulations that impact business.

Since the program was launched, CSI has reviewed nearly 15,000 state agency regulations, and has identified 60 percent of those regulations as potential obstacles to job creation and economic growth. Those regulations were amended or rescinded thanks to more than 7,200 comments from businesses and other stakeholders. The effect this public input had on changing Ohio’s regulatory framework illustrates the ability of the CSI rule review process to engage industry stakeholders in the development of more effective regulations.

Click here and subscribe to receive alerts from the agencies that effect your industry and be a part of the conversation by submitting comments through the Business Impact Analysis.

You can also help identify areas where government hinders your ability to create jobs by submitting your solutions to or by calling 1-855-821-8898.