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New Member: Zenobia Tiffin Shrine Club

Pictured above are the Officer’s for 2022: Denny Brady – President, Jim Gates – VP, Bill Brunn – 2nd VP, Ken Egbert – Jr 2VP, I’ll Sir Jeff Kuhn – Secretary, Ken Foy – Treasurer (absent) 

Shriners are a Group of Masonic Men that believe in God. Zenobia Tiffin Shrine Club was the 1st Shrine Club formed in 1930 and formed the Famous Tiffin Hornets 1961 through the Zenobia Shrine Temple from Toledo, OH. You may recognize them from their little red bikes that can be seen in parades and that have been thrilling crowds for years with their riding. However, their mission and the work they do goes far beyond their little bikes. The mission of Shriners International is to…

  • Be the premier fraternal organization for men of good character.
  • Provide attractive, quality programs and services for its members, their families, and friends in a spirit of fun, fellowship, and social camaraderie.
  • Foster self-improvement through leadership, education, the perpetuation of moral values, and community involvement.
  • Serve mankind through the resources of its great philanthropy, the Shriners Hospitals for Children.

Shriners were originally formed 150 years ago and started in New York. In 1922 Shrine Hospitals for children was formed to help children with polio. For more than 100 years, Shriners healthcare facilities have treated children from all walks of life around the world. Giving the best medical help to 1.5 million children to have a better life. Any child can be evaluated at one of their institutions to see if they are able to assist them in their healthcare needs, regardless of their ability to pay.

Tiffin Shrine Club has raised Millions of dollars, thanks to the community’s support and dedication to the Shriner’s cause and have helped thousands of children just in Northwest Ohio to have a better life. If you know of a child we could help please call 773-622-5400 to get more information and to start the process. The Tiffin Shrine Club meets on the 4th Thursday of the month at different restaurants and locations at 6pm. Tiffin Shrine Club also meets every Tuesday morning at 7:30am for breakfast at GW’s Restaurant in Tiffin. Their club has a membership of 143 members and are always welcoming new members who are interested. For more information on how to get involved, contact Jeff Kuhn at 419-939-3792.