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New Member: Republic Elevator

Welcome new member, Republic Elevator!

The Republic Elevator is a farmer-owned cooperative offering various supplies and services in feed, agronomy, and grain.

Randy Frankart is the current general manager, and Brandon Frankart is the current assistant manager, but the Republic Elevator has a long history. The Republic Mercantile & Elevator Association was formed in 1916 as a farmer-owned cooperative. Area farmers started the business to provide agricultural supplies and services to area farmers. After more than 100 years, their business model and farmer focus haven’t changed.

The Republic Elevator’s mission is to provide a full-service business to farmers in all areas of agriculture while focusing on good customer service. Currently, 390 customers own the Republic Elevator, but they service many more in the area. As a farmer-owned cooperative, the focus is on the customer, with annual patronage paid back to the customer-owners, ensuring a strong local community.

The Republic Elevator is located at 522 Maple St in Republic. To reach them, you can call 419-585-6811 or email them at