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Leadership Seneca County—2020 First Day

The 2020 Seneca County Leadership class kicked-off with a day of testing our skills at Camp Glen.  The energy level could be likened to that of a zealous kindergartener on his/her first day of school.  Everyone was jazzed to learn and eager to meet new friends.  After introductions and ample time to get to know one another, it became explicitly clear why Seneca County is revered as one of the top 100, “Urban, Up-and-Coming,” rankings by U.S. News and World Reports:  The people and their commitment to continue the forward momentum for growth in Seneca County!  Our class is comprised of a tremendously positive group from many different skill sets, but that common thread of our passion for Seneca County was evident!  As the day continued and with each new lesson and challenge, our group showed strength, compassion, encouragement, understanding and support.  By the end of an epic first day, we were all bursting with ideas for our class project and with the fervor to have an amazing year!

Pictured:  It wouldn’t be a “stretch” to say the entire class gelled before the start of the electricity-flow lesson.