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City of Tiffin Cuts Ribbon on Ella Street Bridge

Congratulations to the City of Tiffin Government and all involved for cutting the ribbon on the Ella Street Bridge to celebrate the substantial completion of this nearly 7-month-long project!

The road will be opened to thru traffic by the end of the day Friday! The project’s biggest fan, Elliott Baugher, got to cut the official ribbon for this milestone. Elliott is the 5-year-old son of Marc and Liz Baugher. Elliott’s mother, Liz, took him to the construction site on the very first day of the project. From then on, he asked to go every morning, and when the crew noticed him, he wanted to go even more. Every day he could be found wearing his construction gear and keeping a watchful eye on the crew and project!

Some minor items need to be finished and will continue to be worked on, including installing light poles, sidewalk installation, and removing the fill material from the river. The city noted that the biggest thanks for this project’s success needs to be given to the residents and voters of the City of Tiffin. Without the Road & Bridge Levy passage, this project would not have been as successful as it was. The additional funds secured from this levy enabled the city to receive local match dollars to complete the project without taking on any long-term debt!

To balance both traffic flow and the potential remaining work in a manner that’s the least impactful and safe for both the residents and the construction workers, intermittent closures outside the timeframes of school drop-off and pick-up will be coordinated after Friday until project completion.

We are so happy to see the constant improvements in our community and cannot thank everyone who had a part in this project enough for seeing it through to the end.