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Be In the Know: September

Keith Latore, CEO of SLN Connect gave a presentation on how to Jumpstart Your Social Media Engagement in a Flash.  William “Harvey” Gibson was there to invite everyone to Fall In Love With Seneca County and have some Scarecrow Fun in October.

Stats & Numbers

Latore spoke about the usage of social media to promote businesses—because we are connected to our smartphones, most people access your business via mobile or web. In 2018, 8 billion devices are connected to the internet—which is more devices than people. By 2020, predictions conclude that number could be 20 billion. 

In 2017, nearly half of global smartphone users spent more than three hours on their mobile devices daily, and 91 percent of all social media users access social networks on their mobile devices. 90.4 percent of millennials, 77.5 percent of Generation X, and 48.2 percent of baby boomers are using social media. 

People are typically spending their time on Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, and Instagram. 68 percent of adults in the U.S. are Facebook users. 54 percent of social media users use it to research businesses, while 71 percent will share if they had a positive experience. 

Definitely learned a lot from his presentation and have implemented it already,” said Nancy Coffman of the Tiffin Glass Collectors Club Museum & Gift Shoppe.

 What does this mean for you?

 Be Human & Transparent – show what makes you and your business tick, what makes you different, and what makes you special. Highlight things that inspire you. Make every single day an event. Feature your customers. 

Stories & Videos – 85% of all internet users in the United States watched online video content monthly on any of their devices. Which means that video content is becoming increasingly popular. The average user spends 88% more time on a website with video. This shows that video content improves engagement on your website. Instagram shared 500 million stories last year alone.

Have Conversations – Show you care about more than just your business. Share where you are or where you are going. Don’t be afraid to talk about—or make fun of— yourself.

Employee Advocacy – Go behind the scenes. Feature your team. 

Key Takeaways

  • Social Media Marketing must be a part of your overall marketing strategy
  • Start with your current customers
  • Choose the right platforms
  • Start Small & Post consistently – 30 mins per week – Create a calendar
  • Quality & Creativity over Quantity
  • Be YOU – Authentic & Human & Provide Value – Educate, Engage & Connect
  • Use Stories/Images/video as often as possible
  • Use other people’s stuff that you like when not creating your own
  • Don’t over-promote
  • Build a Community, not followers
  • Ask questions/polls
  • Share Testimonials
  • Respond quickly