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6 Ways to Combat Social Phishing Attacks

Phishing is the number one method of attack delivery for everything from ransomware to credential theft. We are very aware of it coming by email, but other types of phishing have been growing rapidly.

In recent years, phishing over social media has skyrocketed by 500%. There has also been a 100% increase in fraudulent social media accounts.

Phishing over social media often tricks the victims because people tend to let their guard down when on social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. They’re socializing and not looking for phishing scams. 

However, phishing scammers are out there looking for you and will reach out via friend requests and direct messages.

  1. Make Your Profile Private on Social Platforms
  2. Hide Your Contacts/Friends List
  3. Be Wary of Links Sent via Direct Message & in Posts
  4. Don’t Participate in Social Media Surveys or Quizzes
  5. Avoid Purchasing Directly from Ads on Facebook or Instagram
  6. Research Before You Accept a Friend Request

For more information on the steps above, visit for the full article.