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Seneca Regional Chamber of Commerce to Launch Lemonade Day in Tiffin

The Seneca Regional Chamber of Commerce has announced that they have partnered with Croghan Colonial Bank to launch Lemonade Day in Tiffin for 2023.

Lemonade Day, a well-established global national youth entrepreneurship program that teaches leadership and business skills by encouraging children to launch a lemonade business in their community. Since 2007, Lemonade Day has immersed 1.5 million kids (and counting) in their entrepreneurial and experiential learning program. Participants have collectively earned more than $352.5 million in sales, generating $270 million in profit, and $142.5 million in donations.

“Lemonade Day has developed a playbook to unlock youth potential and talent through opportunity creation. Our program is infused with life skills, business and financial literacy, character education, career exploration, and mentorship,” explained Nicole Cassier-Mason, chief executive officer of Lemonade Day National. “This approach builds 21st century skills, improves self-esteem, provides social-emotional learning, and plants the seed of innovation to create new mindsets. These growth mindsets can propel youth into success and enable important life steps while preparing them to transition into what comes next in life.”

Gwen Stallard, AVP Area Manager with Croghan Colonial Bank, expressed excitement for the partnership. “Croghan Colonial Bank is proud to support and invest in the empowerment of our future community leaders through Lemonade Day. The national program has had a strong track record of success and we can’t wait to see the impact it has on the Tiffin community.”

Chaperoned by one or more caring adults, who serves as youth mentors, these young business owners set up their lemonade stands in schools, parks, neighborhoods, places of worships, retail centers, marketplaces, and other public spaces to maximize their sales opportunities. Kids who participate in Lemonade Day are taught how to set goals, develop a business plan and pitch their plan to seek an investment, be creative through brand and marketing, and put their plan into action to achieve their dreams. They are encouraged to spend some of their hard-earned money on themselves; save some and open a bank account and share some with a charity.

Lemonade Day will conclude with the opportunity for participants to set up a lemonade stand on August 5 and 6. Those who are interested in signing up for the program can do so online at

Once signed up, children will have access to the Lemonade Day curriculum, which includes lessons on how to create budgets, profit-making goals, customer service, interactions with investors as well as giving back to their community. Children can access the curriculum through the interactive Lemonade app, which is highly encouraged, or they can pick up a physical workbook at the Chamber office, 96 South Washington Street, Suite B in Tiffin.