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Casino Royale 2021

Dice, blackjack, raffles, horse racing, music, and….swimming in a pond?  It was a night to remember at Casino Royale 2021!  A huge thank to our sponsors, volunteers, attendees, and anyone who had any hand in making the event happen.  Check out below for some snapshots from the evening! 

Some awesome volunteers…

Just a few of the amazing attendees…

Place your bets, the gaming tables and horse races are open!

And finally, the entertainment for the evening!  Thank you to the Tiffin University Music Department for a great line up.

To end the night, something brand new was introduced to the Casino Royale agenda.  The opportunity to push Executive Director, Bryce Riggs, into the pond at Camden Falls was auctioned off.  Thank you Mayor Montz for the idea and congratulations to Dan Reineke for being the high bidder!

Thank you for a great Casino Royale, see you next year!



Visit to see a reap video of the event!