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Destination Seneca County updates Seneca County Commissioners

Chair Peter Holbrook and Bryce Riggs, Executive Director  spoke at the Seneca County Commissioners Board meeting on December 10th. 

Tiffin University Provost Peter Holbrook, who also serves as the chair of the Board of Trustees of the Chamber, started his report by giving encouraging reviews of new chamber Executive Director Bryce Riggs. “Bryce has been with us for the past five months already,” he said, adding that great progress has already been made on several of the organization’s stated goals.  Holbrook said the chamber board wanted to re-affirm its relationships with the Seneca County Commissioners and with tourism stakeholders within the county. He said one of the major goals was to address Destination Seneca County, which focuses on tourism and is managed via contract by the chamber of commerce.  “We are pleased with the direction that we’ve gone,” Holbrook said. “We’ve had growth in chamber members and our social media. We are moving in the direction that the chamber wants to go in.”

 Riggs thanked staff members Brittany Cook and Deb Martorana for their work and echoed Holbrook’s sentiments on the direction of the organization.  ”We have a lot to celebrate,” he said. “We now have 369 members, which is the largest membership number in more than a decade. “We know the chamber is only as strong as the members we have within it.”  Riggs emphasized the organization’s four points of approach to articulate the value provided to its members, which are education, relationships, promotion and resources and savings.  Riggs gave an update on projects Destination Seneca County is working on and the Tourism Council which will meet in January.