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Christ’s Church at Tiffin

We are a non-denominational, self-governing church affiliated with the Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ – a fellowship of  6000 churches rooted in the Restoration Movement. 

Restoration Movement churches trace their history to the early 1800’s, when there was a desire by some to disconnect from denominational ties and “restore the church” to it’s first century beliefs and practices as found in the Bible.  This Christian unity movement had three main goals:
1. The unity of God’s people,
2. Under the authority of God’s word,
3. For the evangelization of the world.   

We are proud of our heritage and are committed to these ongoing goals.  We are also proud of all we’ve experienced and accomplished in the past – and trust that the Lord will continue to lead us into the future.

If you have any questions or would like to become a part of our church family, please join us on a Sunday morning or reach out to us.    
